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PSAP Initiated Multimedia | Intrado

Written by Intrado | Mar 10, 2025 8:01:20 PM

Video or photos, seamlessly integrated 
into the call flow—and controlled by 
call handlers


The ability to stream live video or send a picture as part of a 911 call is incredibly powerful. The ability to do so directly from the Power 911 user experience within the call handler's existing workflow, via a single login, is nothing short of game-changing for emergency communications.

Thanks to Power 911 PSAP Initiated Multimedia, PSAPs/ECCs can now do exactly that. Intrado’s newest solution gives call handlers the ability to receive, share, and store video, pictures, data, and text files and content without ever leaving the call-taking interface they know so well.

The newest enhancement to Intrado’s trusted Power 911/VIPER 7 platform, Power 911 PSAP Initiated Multimedia puts control in the hands of the telecommunicator, who can initiate a live video streaming session with any wireless administrative line or 911 caller—functionality that works seamlessly with any PSAP’s CPE and call-recording tools.