Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.

WID (WID Solution)


Wireless Integration Device. A device that performs a protocol conversion function to allow for the transport of wireless
data into the 9‐1‐1 system without modifying existing selective routers or PSAP CPE.


Feature Group D with Converter. This wireless solution set employs a converter box (sometimes referred to as a WID or
Wireless Integration Device) that receives the MDN and cell site information from the mobile switch, converts the signal
from SS7 to CAMA, and assigns and sends a pANI to the selective router for voice call delivery to the PSAP. Both the
pANI and the MDN are then sent to the ALI database for setup. The number of pANIs assigned to each cell site antenna
is determined by the deployment plan and requires that multiple pANIs be established for each cell site antenna to
accommodate simultaneous calls from that cell site. antenna.


Wireless Intelligent Network. Term used by cellular carriers in the wireless industry. SS7 based, Standardization Activity (IS‐53), MIN based...

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Wireless Database

The database in which data to support wireless Phase 1 or 2 deployments is stored.

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Wireless Telecommunications

The family of telecommunications services under the heading of Commercial Mobile Radio Service. Includes Cellular, Personal Communications Services...

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Wireless Phase 0

0 Required by FCC. The delivery of a wireless 9‐1‐1 call (where 9‐1‐1 are dialed digits) to a PSAP.

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