Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.



Mobility Management Entity Identifier. Each MME has three main identities. An MME code (MMEC) uniquely identifies
the MME within all the pool areas. A group of MMEs is assigned an MME Group Identity (MMEGI) which works along
with MMEC to make MME identifier (MMEI). A MMEI uniquely identifies the MME within a particular network.

County Coordinator /MSAG Coordinator

A person representing the local government agency in the implementation of enhanced 9‐1‐1. The County or MSAG Coordinator is responsible for...

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Zone Default

The Zone Default number is like an MSC (Mobile Switching Center) default for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication). Because there are...

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Minimal Marketable Product.

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Mobility Management Entity. Carrier services that determine location of caller.

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