Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.

Location Finding System


A system that determines the location of subscribers and provides access to this information through an open interface.
This system encompasses the location finding controller, the location cache, and location finding equipment.


An operating mode in which the information to be handled is sent, processed, and returned in a time interval that is short relative to the...

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A-GPS (Assisted-Global Positioning System)

A-GPS (Assisted-Global Positioning System) is a system that often significantly improves the startup performance—i.e., time-to-first-fix (TTFF)—of a...

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Location by-value

In the context of location information to support IP based emergency services, a PIDF‐LO containing the location of an IP end‐point that can be...

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Spatial Interface

Formerly known as the Spatial Information Function (SIF), the Spatial Interface provides an interface between an authoritative copy of GIS data and...

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