Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.



Emergency Services Internet Protocol (IP) Network. An IP based inter‐network (network of networks) shared by all
agencies that may be involved in an emergency. It provides the IP transport infrastructure upon which independent
application platforms and core services can be deployed. The term defines the network, not the services that ride the

Selective Router Bridge/Transfer

A scenario where IEN Voice has delivered a call to a PSAP supported by IEN Voice. That PSAP chooses to bridge on a PSAP that is not connected...

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Busy Tone

The sound provided to a caller to indicate the desired destination is unavailable. (60 IPM (interruptions per minute).)

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An operating mode in which the information to be handled is sent, processed, and returned in a time interval that is short relative to the...

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A-GPS (Assisted-Global Positioning System)

A-GPS (Assisted-Global Positioning System) is a system that often significantly improves the startup performance—i.e., time-to-first-fix (TTFF)—of a...

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