Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.



CTIA is a trade association representing the interests of the wireless telecommunications industry. While CTIA is not an
accredited standards organization, it focuses on areas of common interest to the cellular industry, including enhanced
accessibility, ensuring the security of mobile networks and devices, improved 9‐1‐1 location accuracy, lobbying on
behalf of the industry, and serving as an industry advocate. CTIA was initially known as the Cellular Telecommunications
Industry Association, then, the Cellular Telecommunication and Internet Association, then, CTIA — the Wireless
Association. Currently, it's referred to by the initials, CTIA.


Traceroute is a network diagnostic tool used to track the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination in real time,...

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An operating mode in which the information to be handled is sent, processed, and returned in a time interval that is short relative to the...

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Location Finding System

A system that determines the location of subscribers and provides access to this information through an open interface. This system encompasses the...

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Location by-value

In the context of location information to support IP based emergency services, a PIDF‐LO containing the location of an IP end‐point that can be...

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