Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.



Company Identifier in the ALI record. A three‐ to five‐character identifier stored in the ALI record chosen by the Local
Exchange Carrier that distinguishes the entity providing dial tone to the end user. The company identifier is maintained
by NENA in a nationally accessible database.


An operating mode in which the information to be handled is sent, processed, and returned in a time interval that is short relative to the...

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Frame Relay Circuit

A frame relay circuit is a telecommunications link through which data is transmitted in frames or individual packets of information.

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Selective Router Bridge/Transfer

A scenario where IEN Voice has delivered a call to a PSAP supported by IEN Voice. That PSAP chooses to bridge on a PSAP that is not connected...

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Traceroute is a network diagnostic tool used to track the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to destination in real time,...

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