Glossary of Terms

Understand basic Public Safety definitions and terms.

Cell Sector or Cell Face


An area consisting of a certain portion or all of the total coverage area of a cell site. One face of a cell antenna, typically
three‐sided, that operates independently of the other sectors. Cell Sector or cell face is a term used only by ANSI US
standards‐based systems. For GSM and other European standards‐based systems, the term sector or face is not used.
Rather, the term “Cell” refers to a specific “sector” area of a cell site. Sectors are generally assigned a unique numerical

Cellular Carrier

A carrier authorized to provide cellular mobile radio communications exchange services.

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The basic geographic unit of a cellular system. It derived its name “cell” from the honeycomb pattern of cell siteinstallations. Cell is the basis...

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Cellular Positioning Determining Entity. This is the table used to direct a market and switch to the correct PDE.

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Micro Cell

A cellular base station with a range of 250 meters or less. Commonly used to describe PCS cells because of their smaller footprint compared to a...

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