ECaTS Text-to-9-1-1 Reporting

9-1-1 for the 21st Century.

You've already pioneered Text-to-9-1-1 technology. Now, become a pioneer in Text-to-9-1-1 reporting and get a complete picture of your PSAPs' emergency response. With this module, you access a suite of reports that elucidate the impact of SMS on your PSAPs, including:

Sessions Per Hour
Messages per Hour by Carrier
Messages by Initial Operator
Average Speed of Answer
Messages per Session Profile
Average Speed of Response
Average Session Duration
Session Transcript
SMS Top Busiest Hours
SMS Attempts
SMS Transfers
And more!

Features and Benefits

  • Highly available and intuitive interface
  • Transcripts of text session
  • Fully Integrated with the Intrado Call
    Handling workflow, which includes
    PSAP-initiated TXT29-1-1
Read Product Brief

Track results and improve response

Just as with 911 calls, accepting text-to-911 message at your agency requires careful monitoring of volumens, answer times, response times and more. With ECaTS' Text-to-911 Reporting, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your program.


Join thousands of PSAPs using ECaTS