ECaTS Text-to-9-1-1 Reporting
Intrado ECaTS Analytics
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9-1-1 for the 21st Century.
You've already pioneered Text-to-9-1-1 technology. Now, become a pioneer in Text-to-9-1-1 reporting and get a complete picture of your PSAPs' emergency response. With this module, you access a suite of reports that elucidate the impact of SMS on your PSAPs, including:
Sessions Per Hour |
Messages per Hour by Carrier |
Messages by Initial Operator |
Average Speed of Answer |
Messages per Session Profile |
Average Speed of Response |
Average Session Duration |
Session Transcript |
SMS Top Busiest Hours |
SMS Attempts |
SMS Transfers |
And more! |
Features and Benefits
- Highly available and intuitive interface
- Transcripts of text session
- Fully Integrated with the Intrado Call
Handling workflow, which includes
PSAP-initiated TXT29-1-1
Track results and improve response
Just as with 911 calls, accepting text-to-911 message at your agency requires careful monitoring of volumens, answer times, response times and more. With ECaTS' Text-to-911 Reporting, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your program.