ECaTS Staffing Forecast

Know Who You Need.
Before You Need Them.

Avoid over- or understaffing your PSAPs with the Staffing Forecast module. This service uses your call data from the past year to predict how many agents you need at every PSAP, every day, every hour.

We do the math so you don’t have to. Your predictive reports and personalized recommendations are generated using the Erlang-C formula and your historic call handling data.
Get forecasts based on real life. Your needs change in certain circumstances (such as holidays, special events, or changing seasons). We account for these outliers so that your predictions are as accurate as possible.
Configurable reports help you create your business goals. Toggle factors like call duration, answer time goal, and service level goal to develop ambitious but attainable short- and long-term objectives for your PSAPs.
Stay in budget without compromising service. No one wants to waste money on unneeded agents, but there are high risks to understaffing. Use this service to find the perfect balance.

Staff better, perform better, make 911 better

ECaTS' Staffing Forecast report helps you calculate your PSAP's precise staffing requirements based on your own historical 911 call data. With Staffing Forecast, you can better predict resource needs based on NENA and NFPA standards-or adjust to unique service level goals. Using the industry recognized Erland-C model, you can plan for staffing within a PSAP or across a country or state jurisdiction. 


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