Intrado Blog

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12 min read

Leveraging Smart City Data to Deliver Safer Outcomes

The idea of smart cities—those that use connectivity to derive data that improves quality of life for its residents—isn’t new, but as more cities adopt these technologies, the opportunities for putting this critical data to work are growing...

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7 min read

Cloud-based Call-handling: Is the Market Ready? Are You Ready?

The cloud has changed everything around us. Cloud technology—meaning the delivery of computing services over the Internet—now supports much of our...

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Life & Safety Matters: The Public Safety Cloud

What are you expecting from the public safety cloud? PSAPs will realize ease, flexibility, cost-savings, services’ & personnel coordination and more...

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Life & Safety Matters: The Life & Safety Spectrum

No connection is more important than the call that is routed, delivered, answered, and managed than the one that protects and rescues. And that’s...

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7 min read

How did Intrado Help in the Beginning of the Pandemic: VIPER VPN Laptop

When COVID-19 struck the U.S. in early 2020, public safety was among those immediately thrust to the forefront of the pandemic. States and...

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Intrado's Emergency Call Relay Center

2 min read

Behind the Scenes: Intrado’s Emergency Call Relay Center

The Intrado Emergency Call Relay Center (ECRC) exists to handle emergency calls that cannot be routed to a local 911 center. There are many reasons...

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1 min read

i3 Logging Service by ECaTS Actionable Intelligence for Next Generation 911

Details matter when you’re responsible for monitoring and managing the “big picture” view of your Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) across...

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2 min read

The Future of Public Safety through Artificial Intelligence

The term, “Public Safety", is often described as a wide array of government responsibilities that serve to protect citizens and communities from...

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School and the Workplace Safety: Go Beyond E911 with Safety Shield

Learn why workplace safety matters to PSAPs, schools, and more. Regulations, compliance issues, and location accuracy impact everyone throughout the...

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The Future of GIS for Public Safety: It's More than Just a Map

Using modern Esri technology, authoritative GIS data, and powerful search capabilities, public safety telecommunicators can now reduce the...

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